Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Kilemakyaro: Home away from home??

It is kind of obvious that I need to invest in a high quality camera because I cannot seem to do justice to the beauty that surrounds us daily, including that of the Kilemakyaro hotel. The view at sunrise or sunset compensates the "chicken skin" forming on your body due to the cold.

Why the Kilemankyaro? Well, it was planned, accidentally, two days before... It was more a journey for reconciliation but also with the intent of adventure and learning.

The hotel is described as "the perfect base for mountain trekkers and safari makers" .... I was neither but was treated warmly!

Home away from home?

Well, the perfectly mowed lawns make you want to lie on on the grass and soak in the sun rays and sip in the fresh clean air... but as one who thrives for adventure, a tour of the hotels surroundings seemed like the necessary thing to do. Surrounded with a variety of blossoming flowers, tree and coffee plantations, I would personally recommend it as a spot for a retreat.

The rooms are spacious and beds comfortable, even the single room has a bed big enough to role yourself around without the danger of finding yourself on the floor. The water, hot... so what more can a girl ask for? because after all, deep inside, I final judgement is really based on the quality of the food!

However, compared to its environment, the food...well...

Here are some snaps..



...after that, I felt the need to eat elsewhere because my half Chagga blood was not in agreement to the meal portions and price..

To be fair, it was a fair attempt from the kitchen but we all know after fair comes good, best/excellent! Just saying....

xoxo Moshi town, experience counts too!

                                       "Let your words be few, but your exposures many"