Saturday, April 9, 2016

Adulteration..of the fermented grapes

Hey hey hey!! , it's already April 2016 ladies and gentlemen! Is it too late to say happy new year??😁

So this year I promised myself to learn more about wine. Local wines first, then the rest follow.. And by learn I meant take an interest, invest in a bottle or two or three..or maybe 4 a month....


and instead of simply indulging in the fermented grapes, I would read some fun facts too. For example,

Fact 1 


Fact 2: Did you know that Dom Perignon was infact a Benedictine Monk of the 17th century who "accidentally invented sparkling wine" ?

Fact 3: Tanzania has 3 major wines on the International scene: Dodoma, Imagi and Overmeer

..and maybe even pair it with food..

But as I said, the attention would be on local wines first #TeamTanzania 😜πŸ’ͺ and then the rest would follow! But alas ladies and gents, I have not been true to my nation...why? Because having passed by the supermarket(😬) where I usually source my local products, EVERYTHING local was out of stock..well except Namaqua and Dodoma dry white and the rosΓ© options (but really, red is more my colour, pink is for .....?)

So, as a true Pan-African, I opted for the next best thing, a South African sweet red! And yes, the problem was solved!! But come to think about it, the next best thing should be from next door!! Kenya...Leleshwa wines??have those managed to cross the border yet? If so, where can I get one?

Anyway..the food and wine pairing..well that's a topic for another day really!

For tonight, I wish that your dreams may be as sweet as this adulteration of fermented grape juice I am having!πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•